Interval between calls to slaves

I am playing with ESP_NOW two-way communication between one master and multiple slaves.
The master sends a numbered call to a PIC microcontroller this responds to the master which routes the message to the slave of that number, the slave then gathers status and temperature to be returned to the master which stores the values in an array.
Now the interval between calls is 3.5 seconds, if I make it smaller the messages get scrambled, and no one reaches the target slave. I have 15 slaves and it is taking too long to complete the cycle.

Welcome to the forum

You should be able to send and receive ESP-NOW messages many times per second

How is the PIC communicating with the ESP32 or ESP8266 ?

It's obvious that someone would need a lot more details to venture advice on this.

ESP32 via serial 115200 bauds. On the scope I see that the communication takes about 50 ms to complete.

of course, like what?

Seeing your code would be a good start

I have no problem to share the code, the hardware is the problem.
the Microchip PIC24 microcontroller has approx. 2000 lines of code then i have the codes for the sender and receiver approx. 200 lines each.
Without hardware I think they are useless.

Like it is described in excruciating detail in the forum introductory guideline threads.

Full round trip? Solicit slave, slave gathers, slave responds?

This confuses me. English is my first language, perhaps I am missing something:

The master sends a numbered call to a PIC microcontroller this responds to the master which routes the message to the slave of that number, the slave then gathers status and temperature to be returned to the master which stores the values in an array.

Please draw a block diagram of all the constituents. Draw some arrows or something: who sends what to whom because why at what times? Are there three entities, or are there only two? I gots to know.

Without seeing all the code, it is impossible to say you aren't just doing something wrong.


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