Introducing the Pololu Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Shield


We at Pololu are excited to announce the release of the Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino, an easy way to control two brushed DC motors with an Arduino or Arduino clone. The shield operates from 5 to 28 V and can deliver a continuous 3 A per motor. Our Arduino library simplifies interfacing with the shield by providing methods for setting the motor speed and direction, reading the motor current, and checking for motor faults.

This shield is a lower-power, lower-cost alternative to our original Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield, and it offers most of the same features along with a very similar interface. For more information, including links to the shield library and user's guide, please see the dual MC33926 motor driver shield product page. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions, and we welcome your feedback!

  • Ben

Great product :slight_smile:
How do I control 3 motors with current-sense feedback with a single Arduino ? :~

How do I control 3 motors with current-sense feedback with a single Arduino ?

Using one two-motor shield? Hardly seems likely, does it?

Yeah, I understand that you can't run three motors on a dual motor Pololu shield thats obvious.
Is there a method to stack 2 shields on the UNO and only use one motor driver on the top dual motor shield ?
My concern is that the motor output pins line up on the two shields and the third motor is just run in parallel with the bottom shield and therefore I will have no seperate control of the third motor.
Maybe this is not the forum to ask and I should post on the Pololu site :roll_eyes:

My concern is that the motor output pins line up on the two shields and the third motor is just run in parallel with the bottom shield and therefore I will have no seperate control of the third motor.

It's a valid concern, because that is exactly what will happen. You'll either need a shield designed to drive three motors, or you'll need to mount the second shield to a breadboard, and connect the motor pins to other pins on the Arduino.

They have instructions on how to cut the traces and remap pins: Pololu - 6.a. Remapping the Arduino Connections

Thanks for the advise
Best regards

I just started using arduino. I want to program the arduino uno with the mc33926 motor shield. I downloaded the demo program from github'un site but the program is error. DualMC33926MotorShield md, says that the line is faulty. How do I resolve the error.

is it possible to use this motor driver in the same way as "Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino" to combine Motor outputs to deliver higher current to a single motor?