Introduction to electronics and circuit boards?

I recently ordered my first Arduino and I'm waiting for it to arrive. In the meanwhile, though, I've been trying to learn more about basic electronics. I took two years of college physics which gave me a handle on the concepts, but I haven't done much actual circuit designing. Via an online tutorial I built a blinking LED with a 555 IC, and that's about as far as I've gotten. So, I'm looking for a good book that gives a complete introduction to working with electronics. I know that when I get my Arduino everything will be much easier since it's programmable, but I want to be well versed in the other aspects of electronics as well.

I realize that there is a wealth of knowledge for free on the internet, but I'd like to have a hard copy. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Here are some recommendations from the playground,

Among other things, I have read "Electronics, a Self Teaching Guile". That was helpful for me.

Thanks for your reply, I hadn't noticed the Playground page on the topic.

Who is the author of your book, and what edition do you have? An Amazon search yields a few results. Is this it?

Thats the one I have. It's a good book and well worth the price. It doesn't have full circuit examples, more on how to apply specific components within a circuit so you would be able design you own to a certain extent.

It's not as broad as say Practical Electronics for Inventors, which I looked over in the book store, however many reviews for that book complain about an unacceptable amount of errors. If they release a 3rd edition that remedies these errors or even a good errata sheet I would defiantly get that book.