[pre][color=#202124]Has anyone used ID22D08? I need help. I need an example and a library.
I don't know how to control relays and 7-segment displays by multiplexing
[pre][color=#202124]Has anyone used ID22D08? I need help. I need an example and a library.
I don't know how to control relays and 7-segment displays by multiplexing
Sorry I could not find any information on the ID22D08 to see what it is. The theory behind the multiplexing technique is relatively simple. It is done by using a multi element X/Y matrix. This link shows it being done with a PIC microcontroller, and a good explanation of how it works. Here is another link that shows it being done with an Arduino. https://electronics-project-hub.com/interfacing-7-segment-display-with-arduino/ There is a lot more information available on the WEB. Try using this as your search argument: multiplexing 7 segment display arduino
The device is perhaps IO22D08 which is designed to be driven by a Pro-mini. Here's a link to some info that may help.
IO22C04 pro mini delay relay demo - YouTube (video)
IO22D08 8ch DC 12V Pro mini Relay Shield Module PLC Timer Board | eBay
Frankly speaking, my point is that 2 HC595 are connected to this display, but in such a way that I do not know how to bite it. The first one is connected to the segments C, F, DP, A, D, E and !!! common cathode of the first digit. The second HC595 : Fourth digit cathode, third digit cathode, second digit cathode and segment B and C.
Yes, I would deal with it quickly if the first HC595 was responsible only for the cathodes, and the second HC595 for the segments only . After all, it is obvious that the display must be multiplexed. I would like an example or an idea.
I bought an ID22D08 too and I'm a bit disappointed.
I bought it to use the photocouped inputs and this part seems to work as expected.
What I discovered about the shift registers on the board is:
the first 74595 drives a ULN2803 and then the 8 relays. The other two 595 are chained to the first. So one has to ShiftOut 3 bytes: the first 2 control the display and the third the relays.
arduino pin A3 drives 595 serial clock
arduino pin A2 drives 595 latch
arduino pin A1 drives 595 /OE
arduino pin 13 drives 595 data
Until now I'm not able to drive the display properly and succeded partly in driving the relays:
digitalWrite(OE, LOW);
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, whatever);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, whatever);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, relay_status);
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);
there isn't a perfect corrispondence between relay_status bits and the relays in the way one can expect: I found that MSB turns on relay1, LSB turns on relay7 and so on.
Were you able to get the card to work or not? Let's join forces?
Please post a description of exactly what you have linked to
Its a "RAR" file on ONEDRIVE but clearly the OP has not read any of the sticky posts.
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It's a RAR file containing...
IO22D08 8 Channel Pro mini PLC Board\8ch_Pro_Mini_delay_relay(Schematic).pdf
IO22D08 8 Channel Pro mini PLC Board\IO22C04 pro mini delay relay demo.wmv
IO22D08 8 Channel Pro mini PLC Board\IO22D08 8ch Pro mini PLC Instructions.docx
IO22D08 8 Channel Pro mini PLC Board\Remark.txt
IO22D08 8 Channel Pro mini PLC Board\FlexiTimer2\FlexiTimer2.cpp
IO22D08 8 Channel Pro mini PLC Board\FlexiTimer2\FlexiTimer2.h
IO22D08 8 Channel Pro mini PLC Board\FlexiTimer2\keywords.txt
IO22D08 8 Channel Pro mini PLC Board\FlexiTimer2\examples\FlashLed\FlashLed.pde
IO22D08 8 Channel Pro mini PLC Board_8ch_delay_relay_8ch_delay_relay.ino
8ch_Pro_Mini_delay_relay(Schematic).pdf is an Adobe Acrobat document containing a schematic.
IO22C04 pro mini delay relay demo.wmv is a video demonstrating a relay / LED board with an Arduino.
IO22D08 8ch Pro mini PLC Instructions.docx is a Microsoft Word document containing "IO22D08 8ch Pro mini PLC Instructions".
Remark.txt contains "Put folder "FlexiTimer2" into "arduino\libraries"".
_8ch_delay_relay.ino is a fairly simple 250 line sketch that appears to exercise the "IO22D08 8ch Pro mini PLC".
The stuff in the FlexTimer2 folder are an Arduino library. It appears to be a wrapper over timer 2 or timer 4 depending on the AVR processor.
I assume the post is meant to address this from the original post...
I need an example and a library.
It appears grm-rj hit the mark.
This is a link to the program (sketch) for the device IO22D08.
You're welcome!
It's my simple program for it:
I just came to this board. beside the shift registers for the display it's really nice. I didn't like the external timer library to trigger the shift registers, therefore I made a version without external dependencies. The display works fine - like the OEM sketch without flicker.
My version can be found here:
and a short video:
Couldn't post an attachment as a new user. This base code works a treat for me and allows you to write control code in main(). I'm not an expert but it may help someone out?
// IO22D08 PLC Board by Nick Mellor - Last update 04/01/2020
// IO22D08 Hardware Pin Assignments
// A1 = 595_OE, A2 = Latch, A3 = Clock
// 2 = I1, 3 = I2, 4 = I3, 5 = I4, 6 = I5, A0 = I6, 12 = I7, 11 = I8
// 7 = K1, 8 = K2, 9 = K3, 10 = K4, 13 = Onboard LED
//Shift register 1 drives relays but not in a logical order!
// Bit 1 = Ch. 7
// Bit 2 = Ch. 6
// Bit 3 = Ch. 5
// Bit 4 = Ch. 4
// Bit 5 = Ch. 3
// Bit 6 = Ch. 2
// Bit 7 = Ch. 1
// Bit 8 = Ch. 8
//Shift register 2 pins (again, not logical!)
// Bit 1 = Unused?
// Bit 2 = Unused?
// Bit 3 = Digit 1 select
// Bit 4 = segment b
// Bit 5 = segment g
// Bit 6 = Digit 2 select
// Bit 7 = Digit 3 select
// Bit 8 = Unused?
//Shift register 3 pins (again, not logical!)
// Bit 1 = segment c
// Bit 2 = segment f
// Bit 3 = Unused?
// Bit 4 = segment a
// Bit 5 = segment d
// Bit 6 = Digit 4 select
// Bit 7 = segment e
// Bit 8 = Unused?
#include <FlexiTimer2.h>
int latch = A2; // Shift register latch
int clock = A3; // Shift register data clock
int data = 13; // Shift register data out
// K1-K4 Onboard pushbuttons
const int K1 = 7; // Shutdown
const int K2 = 8; // Start
const int K3 = 9; // Fill
const int K4 = 10; // Drain
// Field digital inputs
const int INPUT1 = 2; // Unassigned
const int INPUT2 = 3; // Unassigned
const int INPUT3 = 4; // Unassigned
const int INPUT4 = 5; // Unassigned
const int INPUT5 = 6; // Unassigned
const int INPUT6 = A0; // Unassigned
const int INPUT7 = 12; // Unassigned
const int INPUT8 = 11; // Unassigned
// T outputs - Driven by shift register outputs via function updateShiftRegister(); just set RX to 0 or 1!
bool R1 = 0; // Unassigned
bool R2 = 0; // Unassigned
bool R3 = 0; // Unassigned
bool R4 = 0; // Unassigned
bool R5 = 0; // Unassigned
bool R6 = 0; // Unassigned
bool R7 = 0; // Unassigned
bool R8 = 0; // Unassigned
// Timers - These are timer data arrays. They are used by function timer. 16 timers can be configured within the program. This is expandable.
int T_Current[16];
int T_Setpoint[16];
int T_Start[16];
// digit select masks from right to left. Value is logically OR'd with segment data to turn on digit select outputs
const byte colDig[4] =
B00000100, // digit 1
B00100000, // digit 2
B01000000, // digit 3
B00100000, // digit 4
//Because the segment data and digit select outputs are not logically laid out (register outputs mix segment data and digit select outputs!) the 2 byte values below are required for each digit and are sent to shift registers 2 and 3. Crazy!
const byte shift2[16] = //seven segment digits in bits and digit select lines set to 0
const byte shift3[16] = //seven segment digits in bits and digit select lines set to 0
byte shift2_buf[4]={0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; //Buffer to place segment/select data byte 1
byte shift3_buf[4]={0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; //Buffer to place segment/select data byte 2
byte relay_stat;
int seg;
int digit;
int watchdog = 10;
int state=0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(57600); // For debugging code only
// SPI for shift register
pinMode(latch, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clock, OUTPUT);
pinMode(data, OUTPUT);
// Set K1-K4 as INPUT
pinMode(K1, INPUT);
pinMode(K2, INPUT);
pinMode(K3, INPUT);
pinMode(K4, INPUT);
pinMode(INPUT1, INPUT);
pinMode(INPUT2, INPUT);
pinMode(INPUT3, INPUT);
pinMode(INPUT4, INPUT);
pinMode(INPUT5, INPUT);
pinMode(INPUT6, INPUT);
pinMode(INPUT7, INPUT);
pinMode(INPUT8, INPUT);
FlexiTimer2::set(3, 1.0/1000, updateShiftRegister); //Calls updateShiftRegister() every 3 milliseconds!
digitalWrite(INPUT1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(INPUT2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(INPUT3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(INPUT4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(INPUT5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(INPUT6, HIGH);
digitalWrite(INPUT7, HIGH);
digitalWrite(INPUT8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(K1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(K2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(K3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(K4, HIGH);
T_Start[0] = millis(); //initialise T0 start time (Spinning digit update interval)
T_Setpoint[0] = 166;
T_Start[1] = millis(); //initialise T1 start time (
T_Setpoint[1] = 1000;
// Function to write data to shift registers (drives 7 segment displays AND relays)
// There are 3 shift registers i series. 1st drives relays, 2nd drives segment data and digit 4 select, 3rd drives segment data and digit 1, 2 and 3 select
void updateShiftRegister()
if(digit<4) //Loop through each segment
digitalWrite(clock, LOW); //Set clock bit low
digitalWrite(latch, LOW); //Set latch bit low
if (digit==3) {
shiftOut(data, clock, LSBFIRST, shift3_buf[digit]); // Write 7 segment data
shiftOut(data, clock, LSBFIRST, shift2_buf[digit]|colDig[digit]); // Write 7 segment data and select digit 4 via OR mask
else { // else digit 0 to 2
shiftOut(data, clock, LSBFIRST, shift3_buf[digit]|colDig[digit]); // Write 7 segment data and select digit 1, 2 or 3 via OR mask
shiftOut(data, clock, LSBFIRST, shift2_buf[digit]); // Write 7 segment data
//Update relay bit states
shiftOut(data, clock, LSBFIRST, relay_stat); //RELAYS
digitalWrite(latch, HIGH); //Set latch bit high
digit ++; // Next segment
else digit=0;
// Function to write selected digit data to buffer, just pass the segment position and data array data position to this function
void update_buffers(int pos,int num)
// Function to update segments 0-3 with a (3 digit) integer number if required (digit 4 is used to indicate code is running by "spinning")
void dig_update(int value)
update_buffers(2,value/100); // Calculate 100's
update_buffers(1,(value%100)/10); //Modulo of 100's division / 10 = 10's
update_buffers(0,(value%100)%10); //Modulo of 100's division then Modulo of 10's = units
bool timer(int timer_id) //Non-blocking timer object
T_Current[timer_id] = millis();
if (T_Current[timer_id] - T_Start[timer_id] >= T_Setpoint[timer_id]) //test whether the period has elapsed
return 1;
else {
return 0;
void loop() //MAIN PROGRAM
//Watchdog display timer
//Watchdog spins digit 4 to indicate code is running
if (timer(0)>0) {
if(watchdog<15) {watchdog++;}
else {watchdog=10;}
//Increment digit 1 - 7 segment display every 1 secong - demo
if (timer(1)>0) {
if(state<999) {state++;}
else {state=0;}
dig_update(state); // Call this fuction to update 7 segment display with value "state"
// This is where to out the control program logic. Here I am just turning a couple of relays on and off
if (digitalRead(K1)==LOW)
if (digitalRead(K2)==LOW)
if (digitalRead(K3)==LOW)
if (digitalRead(K4)==LOW)
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