IoT based Air Quality Monitoring System using Arduino Uno


I would like to ask any help on how to start doing my project and this is my very first project. My project is Iot based Air Quality Monitoring System Using Arduino Uno.

I would be using Arduino Uno, LCD 16x2, ESP8266-01, MQ-135 there would be also a buzzer for alar

I really dont know what to do first.

I started testing the ESP making the LED blue blinks and turning on the LCD. I also tried the MQ-135 but it says to calibrate first the gas sensor?

And I really dont know how to calibrate the gas sensor.

Can someone help me how to calibrate it?

Thank you in advance

The MQ-135 data sheet is your best resource, and it briefly mentions the burn in procedure. Basically, you power it up for 24 to 72 hours before taking any readings.

The MQ-135 senses several compounds in air, "air quality" is not one of them. As for calibration, you must put the sensor in known gas mixtures and note the readings for comparison.

More in this "electronic nose" tutorial, which seems to be off line at the moment.

Get a more capable ESP - such as a WeMOS D1 Mini - and forget the Arduino UNO.