IOT thing duplicate

I see this was posted previously twice, nearly 2 years and 1 year ago respectively now and closed.

Has Arduino finally added a "clone" thing feature, I have 8 identical devices over the house and it would save so much time to build once and then clone it.

I thought I found a terminal tool that could do this, but now I cannot find it again!

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It would help to give links to those posts - I think the forum then automatically adds a cross-reference

I found the link again, however it would be very nice for Arduino to add a button rather than having to use a terminal

The IoT Cloud has a facility for duplicating a Dashboard but not a Thing. The button that johnaz4 has asked for has not materialized, so the Cloud CLI terminal will have to do for now.

I have discovered that the Cloud CLI can duplicate a Thing using the ID of the source Thing and can create an apparent duplicate with a new name, so far so good. However when selecting the new Thing in the IoT Cloud, the only part of the Thing that is duplicated is the Setup. Both the Sketch and Associated Device tabs are empty. But when selecting the same Device as was present on the original Thing, a new Sketch is created.

But I don't want a new Sketch based on a new Thing, but a clone of the original Thing complete with the original Sketch with a fresh name and a new ID - but with the original code intact.

If would appear that what I'm trying to accomplish is not possible. Up to now the only workaround would seem to be to copy the code from the original Thing_original.ino file and pasting into the newly generated Thing_clone.ino file, but keeping the new ID.

Is there perhaps another solution which I have overlooked? :thinking:

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Yeah, totally agree. This seems really critical. Our project uses a lot of header files, so not only do I have to paste over my .ino, I also have to import about 10 .h files one by one because the "import from file" option in the cloud IDE does not allow me to import more than 1 file at a time.

I don't understand how fleet management software can be this ineffective at provisioning a fleet of devices... I thought the clone thing command in arduino-cloud-cli would cover me but it doesn't really do anything besides clone the cloud variables, which is helpful but only part of the equation.

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