IPHONE communication to ESP8226 module


I have used the Ardunio environment and created a Web Page in a ESP8226 module. It works fine when I access it from a computer.
The ESP8226 is connected to the WiFi network and the computer is connected to the router via Ethernet cable.
Using the Computer, I open a web browser. Then I type the IP address of the ESP8226 module. The Web Page opens and I can control
LEDs, ...

But when I try to do that using the IPHONE Safari, it says that it can not find the page.
The IPHONE is also connected to the same WiFi network that the ESP8226 is connected.

Do I need to add something to the program. Would you like to see my program?

Please help.


Hello Again,

My problem was that I was connected to the work Wifi Network. There are some security
control there that did not allow me to connect.

I created my own WiFi network and it worked fine.
