I want to have my ATtiny(85,45,2313) to be able to communicate using IR, but when I write the code, they won't compile when I switch to the ATtinys. The code works fine on my Uno, but when I try to compile on one of my ATtiny chips I get this.
Would you like me to post a picture of the correct code somewhere you can't access? There is NO reason to post a picture of text when you could post the text instead.
The IRRemote library is not compatible with AtTiny.
You need another library, TinyIRremote.
In attach library, I don't remind the link to original address.
sir ,
this library doesn't works with attiny 2313@1mhz
the following error appears..
core.a(wiring.c.o): In function __vector_6':</mark> <mark>/Users/nishant/Documents/Arduino/hardware/tiny/cores/tiny/wiring.c:78: multiple definition of __vector_6'
IRTinyRX/IRTinyRX.cpp.o:/Users/nishant/Documents/Arduino/libraries/IRTinyRX/IRTinyRX.cpp:92: first defined here
SimpleIRTinyRX:29: error: 'IRrecv' does not name a type
SimpleIRTinyRX:30: error: 'decode_results' does not name a type
SimpleIRTinyRX.ino: In function 'void setup()':
SimpleIRTinyRX:38: error: 'irrecv' was not declared in this scope
SimpleIRTinyRX.ino: In function 'void loop()':
SimpleIRTinyRX:44: error: 'irrecv' was not declared in this scope
SimpleIRTinyRX:44: error: 'results' was not declared in this scope
Sorry, after correcting the path
again the same problem appears which was coming earlier
core.a(wiring.c.o): In function __vector_6': /Users/nishant/Documents/Arduino/hardware/tiny/cores/tiny/wiring.c:78: multiple definition of __vector_6'
TinyIRRX/TinyIRRX.cpp.o:/Users/nishant/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TinyIRRX/TinyIRRX.cpp:82: first defined here
Sir,actually your core file doesn't have attiny 2313 in boards.
your code works fine with attiny 85 but it doesn't work with attiny 2313.
thank you for your time sir.