Ir Proximity sensor for robot and shield

I have made an ir proximity sensor that uses the following sketch:

// Simple Proximity Sensor using Infrared
// Description: Measure the distance to an obstacle using infrared light emitted by IR LED and
// read the value with a IR photodiode. The accuracy is not perfect, but works great
// with minor projects.
// Version: 1.0

int IRpin = A0; // IR photodiode on analog pin A0
int IRemitter = 2; // IR emitter LED on digital pin 2
int ambientIR; // variable to store the IR coming from the ambient
int obstacleIR; // variable to store the IR coming from the object
int value[10]; // variable to store the IR values
int distance; // variable that will tell if there is an obstacle or not

void setup(){
Serial.begin(9600); // initializing Serial monitor
pinMode(IRemitter,OUTPUT); // IR emitter LED on digital pin 2
digitalWrite(IRemitter,LOW);// setup IR LED as off
pinMode(11,OUTPUT); // buzzer in digital pin 11

void loop(){
distance = readIR(5); // calling the function that will read the distance and passing the "accuracy" to it
Serial.println(distance); // writing the read value on Serial monitor
//buzzer(); // uncomment to activate the buzzer function

int readIR(int times){
for(int x=0;x<times;x++){
digitalWrite(IRemitter,LOW); // turning the IR LEDs off to read the IR coming from the ambient
delay(1); // minimum delay necessary to read values
ambientIR = analogRead(IRpin); // storing IR coming from the ambient
digitalWrite(IRemitter,HIGH); // turning the IR LEDs on to read the IR coming from the obstacle
delay(1); // minimum delay necessary to read values
obstacleIR = analogRead(IRpin); // storing IR coming from the obstacle
value[x] = ambientIR-obstacleIR; // calculating changes in IR values and storing it for future average

for(int x=0;x<times;x++){ // calculating the average based on the "accuracy"
return(distance/times); // return the final value

//-- Function to sound a buzzer for audible measurements --//
void buzzer(){
if (distance>1){
if(distance>100){ // continuous sound if the obstacle is too close
else{ // beeps faster when an obstacle approaches
delay(150-distance); // adjust this value for your convenience
delay(150-distance); // adjust this value for your convenience
else{ // off if there is no obstacle

I also have an adafruit motor shield that runs on this sketch:

#include <AFMotor.h>

AF_DCMotor motor(2, MOTOR12_64KHZ); // create motor #2, 64KHz pwm

void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
Serial.println("Motor test!");

motor.setSpeed(200); // set the speed to 200/255

void loop() {
Serial.print("tick");; // turn it on going forward

Serial.print("tock");; // the other way

Serial.print("tack");; // stopped

The two sketches are the example sketches. I am building an autonomous robot with the arduino and I want to join these two sketches so that it tells the motor to run without stopping if it does not encounter an object. If not, it stops (basic sketch for now). How do I do this?
(Oh and sorry for the super long post)

Let's start at the bottom and work up.

(Oh and sorry for the super long post)

It wouldn't be so long if you posted code correctly. Look at the code that you posted. Look at your code. Do you see that they are not identical? Do you see how we can help you with the code you posted? I certainly don't.

Now, do you see why we keep asking you to post code correctly, using the # icon instead of just slapping your code in however you feel like doing it?