ir receiver alternitive

hello first off let me explain my situation. i have a ir helicopter but i would like more range on it so i am wondering if it is possible to desolder the tsop ir receiver and replace it with some sort of pwm? or something like that basically emulate a Ir receiver.

Have you considered modifying your transmitter by adding more IREDs or using devices with more ("brighter") output?

i was hopping i could make a translator to get it off ir and onto radio frequency
i thought about making a custom ir controller but i would like to be able to go at least 100 feet

An RF receiver is going to be bigger and bulkier than an IR receiver, isn't it?

XBees don't weigh much, but they suck extraordinary amounts of current for the "work" that they do.

i was going to actually use something a little less precise and use a small am radio chip with really good reception and make a am broadcaster sending simple commands to the radio but thats not really the problem its the translating going from ir receiver something like a attiny 85 sending commands tricking the on board processor to think its a ir receiver all of it together would weigh 1-2 grams not a big problem they would replace the weight in the front of the helicopter