IR Receiver with Attiny85 to light a WS2812b strip

Hello good day developers, I am working on this project to make an IR receiver with Attiny 85, where it validates NEC codes with the IRremote Library, depending on the code received gives me a color on the WS2812B strip, I have tested it on an arduino one and it works correctly, but when uploading the program to the Attiny85 it does not work. Can anyone help me?

I am using the IRermote library in its version 3.9.0

#include <IRremote.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>    // importa libreria, debe instala previamente

#define DOUT 3
#define DIN 2
int nleds=4;    // Numero de LEDs 
int brillo = 100; // Brillo del LED

Adafruit_NeoPixel tira = Adafruit_NeoPixel(nleds, 3, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);  // Pin 3 del Arduino es salida de datos

int receiver = DIN; 
IRrecv irrecv(receiver);     
decode_results results;   
void setup(){
  tira.begin();             // inicializacion de la tira;   
  tira.setBrightness(brillo); // Brillo de los LEDs
  pinMode(DOUT, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(DIN, INPUT); 
void loop()  
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) 
      case 0x97CDCD9E: azul(); break;
      case 0x27C66185: blanco(); break;
      case 0x3FC4F8D8: verde(); break;
      case 0x1BC28195: rojo(); break;
      case 0xDFEE3624: negro(); break;
      case 0x7F0B3B7: azul(); parpadeo(); break;
      case 0xE78CE340: blanco(); parpadeo(); break;
      case 0xC38A6BFD: rojo(); parpadeo(); break;
      case 0x6183EEB8: secuencia();break;
      case 0x89866C4B: tono(); break;
      case 0xC8CA1DB6: rojo(); desvanecer();break;
      case 0xA4C7A673: parpadeo2();break; 
      case 0xA2504734: parpadeo3();break;
      case 0xCA52C4C7: parpadeo4();break;
      case 0xA9EEF450: total(); break;
      case 0x85EC7D0D: IDUnic(); desvanecer(); break;
      case 0x00FF52AD: blanco();  break;

void IDUnic(){

  int red = random(0, 256);
  int green = random(0, 256);
  int blue = random(0, 256);

  for (int i = 0; i < nleds; i++) {
    tira.setPixelColor(i, tira.Color(red, green, blue));

void azul(){
 for (int i=0;i<nleds;i++){ 

What does not work? Show the results of the compiling.

This never did compile (for you or me). Among other things, you have function calls without functions. You probably do not need (and can not use, due to "Serial.print" in the library), IRremote.h.

Of course, the Attiny85 does not respond to the NEC protocol

Oh? It was not the library or the fact you have no functions or how you set up the programming... of course?

Of course, the Attiny85 does not respond to the NEC protocol, the result of the compilation is correct, I use the arduino one as ISP programmer to upload the program to the Attiny85.

The other functions I did not put them so as not to make the note too long, of course they are declared in the program so that it does not mark error, with respect to the serial communication, there is no problem.

It does.


Write a compilable sketch. Show the source of the libraries. It seems you are using a library without "Serial.print" that is not the same.

Yes, you are right, I am not using the 3.4.0 version, I am using the 3.9.0 library, that version excludes serial communication.

Of what? Is this another "of course?"

Give all the information necessary. Stop the "and another thing..."

Sorry it was my mistake, but it is all the information, an apology.

Good luck.