What is the code did you received while holding a button - something like 0xFFFF ?
If so, it is a perfectly normal behaviour. Many IR transmitters sends i.e. "repeat the last knob" code to indicate the long press of the same button.
It looks like.
Please post a link to the datasheet of that unknown IR receiver.
One pin connected to UNO pin 11, one pin to 5 volt. No more pins?
A little schematics made by pen and paper, please.
The ir receiver have three pins, vcc, gnd and out.
Vcc connects to 5v pin of the arduino uno
Gnd connets to gnd pin of the arduino uno
Out connects to pin 11 of the arduino uno
Why this could prevent you to use the remote?
To determine the knob you should always keep the last accepted value not equal to 0xffffffff. If you receive the 0xffffffff, continue running the function of the last pressed knob.