IR remote loop problem

What's up,
i've got a problem with my arduino code and i would like some help with it, here is the code.

/* const long (name) = (Code from sm);
*  case (name):
*    (Command);
*    break;

const long tvradio  = 596423;
const long Source    = 540863;
const long Power   = 524543;
const long One   = 573503;
const long Two   = 532703;
const long Three   = 565343;
const long Four   = 549023;
const long Five   = 581663;
const long Six   = 528623;
const long Seven   = 561263;
const long Eight   = 544943;
const long Nine   = 577583;
const long Zero   = 536783;
const long List    = 569933;
const long Guide   = 579623;
const long Back    = 557693;
const long Exit    = 551063;
const long Up    = 559223;
const long Down    = 567383;
const long Left    = 542903;
const long Right   = 534743;
const long Ok    = 575543;
const long Red   = 538823;
const long Green   = 571463;
const long Yellow  = 546983;
const long Blue    = 555143;
const long Chless   = 585743;
const long Chmore   = 526583;
const long Vless    = 525053;
const long Vmore    = 587783;
const long Menu    = 553103;
const long I   = 574013;
const long Mute    = 530663;
const long Bottomone  = 554633;
const long Bottomtwo  = 562793;
const long Bottomthree  = 553613;
const long Bottomfour  = 538313;
const long Bottomfive  = 546473;
const long Bottomsix  = 566873;

#define red_pin   6
#define green_pin 5
#define blue_pin  3
#define RECV_PIN  10
#define IR_VCC 12
#define IR_GND 13
#define GND 4
#include <IRremote.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

const int rgb_leds[] = { 6, 5, 3 };
LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,5,4,3,2);

int red   = 255;
int green = 255;
int blue  = 255;
int delay1(2000);
int delay2(10);
int backlight(9);
int Motor(7);
boolean running = true;

byte Boat[8] = {

byte Heart[8] = {

byte Arrow[8] = {

void Lighttoggle() {
 if(digitalRead(backlight) == LOW) //This toggles the statLED every time power button is hit
long    ir_signal;

IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;

void LEDblink() {

void setup() {
 pinMode( red_pin, OUTPUT );
 pinMode( green_pin, OUTPUT );
 pinMode( blue_pin, OUTPUT );
 pinMode( GND, OUTPUT );
 irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
 lcd.begin(8, 2);

void loop() {
 if ( irrecv.decode(&results) ) {
   ir_signal = results.value;
   Serial.println( ir_signal );
   switch (ir_signal) {
     case 16580863: 
   ir_signal = 0;
   irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

everything works like it's supposed to except the following.

void LEDblink() {

void loop() {
 if ( irrecv.decode(&results) ) {
   ir_signal = results.value;
   Serial.println( ir_signal );
   switch (ir_signal) {
     case 16580863: 

When i press the button on the remote, the led starts blinking and the "LEDblink" code keeps repeating.

The problem here is:
when the led blink starts repeating, i can't stop it and i cant use any other button

How do i add a button or a function that allows me to stop the loop and use other buttons again.

(i want to use this for RGB lights. i want to be able to get green light, or red, AND i want a cross fader, but i cant exit the fader)

pls help me

This is definitely wrong:

void loop() {
  if ( irrecv.decode(&results) ) {
    ir_signal = results.value;
    Serial.println( ir_signal );
    switch (ir_signal) {
      case 16580863:
         loop();   // ?????????????????????????????????????

You are calling loop() recursively and you should not do this.

Please correct your post above and add code tags around your code:
[code]`` [color=blue]// your code is here[/color] ``[/code].

It should look like this:// your code is here
(Also press ctrl-T (PC) or cmd-T (Mac) in the IDE before copying to indent your code properly)

why do you double post?

why do you double post?

study the blink without delay example

haha well thats funny because it does work.

It ONLY works because the recursive call to loop() doesn't actually do anything because, when you call loop() from loop(), you haven't reset the irrecv instance to allow it to accept another value.

Like driving drunk, you might get away with it once or twice, but it is still NOT a good idea or right.

But i want to know how to loop something using a single IR remote button

Before you can do that, you need to figure out how to ask an intelligent question. "how to loop something" does not make sense.