IR remote not working when buttons are pressed

Hi guys , im a complete noob when it comes to arduino , so id appreciate all the help i can get.

Im trying to decode my IR remote control , but when I press the buttons , nothing shows up on my serial monitor.

Im using a IR Receiver Sensor TSOP1738 38khz.

These are the connections that i made :slight_smile:

This is the code i have used :slight_smile:

#include <IRremote.h>

int RECV_PIN = 11;

IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);

decode_results results;

void setup()
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

void loop()
if (irrecv.decode(&results))
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

when i compile it and finally upload it onto my arduino uno and open the serial monitor,
no codes are displayed when i press any buttons on the remote :frowning:

The arudino board light doesnt come on when i press any buttons on the remote :frowning:

Pleae help me out with this , id really appreciate it

You don’t have anything in the sketch that says turn on a LED.

β€œ Serial.begin(9600);”

What is your serial monitor’s baud rate set to ?

Please confirm the GND and 5v connection to the IR receiver.


Here is the data sheet fot the TS17.. series IR remote detectors. Your wiring does not look right. I do not know where the white wire goes.

ground should go to ground
Vs should go to 5V
OUT should go to pin 11.

What version of the IRremote library do you have installed. The improperly posted code is for an older version (<3.0). If you have the newest version of the IRremote library installed the posted code may not work right. In that case, try some examples that come with the library that you have installed.

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It appears you have not wired the receiver correctly.

@LarryD, the pinout that you show conflicts with the pinout in the data sheet that I found. Not sure, now, which is correct.

From the posted data sheet.
TSOP17xx pinout

This Vishay data sheet shows the same as above.

There you go :upside_down_face: :thinking: :angry:

Think yours is correct !

My conclusion, as well. Thanks.

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