IR Send

Hello guys,

I would like to use one arduino to send command in 2 TV (Not the same commands) can i ? or should i use 2 arduino ?

Also there is different command command available for power on and for power off ? (For TV)

Thank you in advance.

I would like to use one arduino to send command in 2 TV (Not the same commands) can i ? or should i use 2 arduino ?

You can send IR commands to two TVs from one Arduino. It helps if the two TV use different codes.

Also there is different command command available for power on and for power off ? (For TV)

That depends on the TV.


I would like to use one arduino to send command in 2 TV (Not the same commands) can i ? or should i use 2 arduino ?

You can send IR commands to two TVs from one Arduino. It helps if the two TV use different codes.

Also there is different command command available for power on and for power off ? (For TV)

That depends on the TV.

Hello Dear johnwasser,

Thank you very much for the reply :slight_smile:

That i was think too, for the first question there is a place with 10 tv, separated by 2 some are the same company some other no, i am thinking to put 2 relays and connect the common of both relays to pin 3 on arduino and then the NO of relay 1 to goes to tv1 and NO of relay 2 to goes to tv2. ( Maybe i can do it also with with AND Gate IC)

for second i guess must be search on the internet ... :slight_smile:

I search for LG TV and i found an excel file and has the bellow code
ANT/CABLE or TV 32-BIT DATA 04 FB D6 29 04FB D629

the file i found here

but this i don't thing it is much with mine for e.g. the power it is 20DF10EF , maybe works i will give a check when i return home (if i have today other wise tomorrow).

Best Regards,
Tasos Stratis

Finally i got the time to check it (the code from the excel) in my tv and is not working :frowning:

For to use one arduino to control more IR signals on different's tv or whatever, i was thing (and i believe) it is working to use a AND GATE like CD4081, connecting pin A from each gate to IRSend signal and the B pin it will choose the software for wich tv will be active :slight_smile:

I hope the above info to be help some one in case if he want' to do something simular :slight_smile:

Have you got the "real" remote controls for the two TVs? If so you should be able to program the Arduino to "learn" the code sequences associated with the different buttons on the remote.

Then you can write a program for the Arduino so it transmits the same sequences when required.

I can't figure out why you are thinking of relays and AND gates.

Surely all the Arduino needs to do is control an IR Led - though it would probably be necessary to use a transistor to control the current in the Led as it would be more than the Arduino can provide on its output pins.


Hello Dear Robin2,

Thank you for you're reply.

I have already learn the code from the existing remote, the good with the excel it was the separate code from Power On and Power Off and this is not working from excel and i can't learn it from the remote (because it is one code and used as toggle state for power on or power off)

Now for the relays or for the AND Gate what it is for ?

I will try to explain you.

I have 4 TV 's in the same place, the same brand (LG) and the distance between them it is 50 cm, now lets said i want to put Channel 5 on the TV 1 and on TV 2 Channel 2 e.t.c., how i can do it with only one arduino ?

I think this beautiful library can use only one pin for the IRSend function.

I hope now you can understand why i was thing to use the AND Gate (in AND Gate the output it is high only when both pins are high, so the one pin (A) it is connected to pin 3 where the pulse come and the pin (B) it is connected e.g. pin 4 on arduino, this is address 1 if it is called address 1 then the pin 4 from arduino will be high until irsend complete and then goes low e.t.c.

Best Regards,
Tasos Stratis