Hello Im using last version of IRremote library. Im using my code. If I press the remote controller button 1 time it gives me data but if I hold my finger on a button it gives the value first then all zero. I tried everything but I couldnt find the solution. I want continuous data for drive my motor for example. Thanks... My code is below...
I solved that problem but now Im suffering from discrete signal. When I press the button I get an signal but ig is coming so fast discrete. I mean fast as miliseconds so when I wanted to trigger my relay module, it cant be working(I think because of the discrete, it is not enaugh power for relay pin) Thank you Larry
thank you I solved the problem. The problem was: ir sending data average in 50ms continuously so if I put my code inside of if else loop and wants stay in if, it failed because, First it enters in if loop then arduino works faster than ir receiver so that my code repeat again and goes else 4 times more, so it was a discrete signal for me. Then I added 120-130ms delay in to my void loop function. So it is working now. Thank you all guys... If you want to discuss more about this error and understand why it happening you can also reach me via mail taylan.koll@gmail.com