I recently got 2 IR Sensors i tested both on arduino using a breadboard , Both worked well , now i wondered is it possible to connect them to arduino from a far place (4meter long) using a long Cables , got the cables from a Ethernet Cable but when i tried connecting them that way both of the sensors heated up and Stopped working (Fried)
So i wanted to ask , is what i did with Connecting the sensors with long cables wrong ?? And what did exactly happen ?
i'm using the Arduino uno Connected the infrared sensor with 5v Directly Without any resistors .. and i'm using pin3 (PWM) As an input for the sensor
I really hope you didn't connect them parallel!
The only thing (I guess not very relevant) is that the datasheet for the part tells
to add a RC-filter for power-supply (47Ohm/47uF) page 3
I really hope you didn't connect them parallel!
Why not? I understand that using the wrong value pullup would be bad but I don't see anything distinctly wrong from using them in parallel (for purposes of more reception range/area).
You cannot be sure they are completly in phase... and they will short eachothers output.
IR receivers have open collector outputs with weak pullup resistors (30k for the TSOP18xx).
So there should be no problem using several in parallel.
The TSOP18xx has an absolute max output current of 5mA.
Not sure what is on those boards (LED/resistor?).
Assume one TSOP has to switch combined board currents to ground (+ cable capacitace).