So I have connected my arduino to LED lights and a mic and the light brightness, color, patterns, etc are determined by the ambient sound.
I am trying to add an ir sensor into the mix so I can use a remote to cycle bw different modes.
My code for the IR sensor works perfectly when I test it as a standalone program but when I integrate it with my code for the LEDs, I get different values for the same button on the remote.
Hey, so you have a remote, a sensor and some code and they don't work together. Are you sure wouldn't like to give us a few more details like what these components are, what values you expect and what you get? You could maybe even show us the code that isn't working?
Yes sir.
Heres my code that works perfectly fine:
#include <IRremote.h>
const int IR_INPUT = 7;
IRrecv irrecv(IR_INPUT);
decode_results irValue;
void setup(){
void loop(){
if (irrecv.decode(&irValue)){
This is my code for the LEDs. For simplicity, I'm removing some functions that decide the color, etc.
#include <FastLED.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <IRremote.h>
#define LED_PIN 12
#define NUM_LEDS 300
const int IR_INPUT = 7;
IRrecv irrecv(IR_INPUT);
decode_results irValue;
const int sampleWindow = 50; // Sample window width in mS (50 mS = 20Hz)
unsigned int sample;
int ledPin = 12;
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
int brightness = 5;
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, LED_PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
void loop()
if (irrecv.decode(&irValue)){
unsigned long startMillis= millis(); // Start of sample window
unsigned int peakToPeak = 0; // peak-to-peak level
unsigned int signalMax = 0;
unsigned int signalMin = 1024;
// collect data for 50 mS
while (millis() - startMillis < sampleWindow)
sample = analogRead(0);
if (sample < 1024) // toss out spurious readings
if (sample > signalMax)
signalMax = sample; // save just the max levels
else if (sample < signalMin)
signalMin = sample; // save just the min levels
peakToPeak = signalMax - signalMin; // max - min = peak-peak amplitude
double volts = (peakToPeak * 5.0) / 1024; // convert to volts
red = redColour(volts);
green = greenColour(volts);
blue = blueColour(volts);
if (red > 255) {
red = red % 101;
if (green > 255) {
green = int(green * 2/3);
if (blue > 255) {
blue = 255;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
leds = CRGB(red, green, blue);
- if (i > 20) {*
- leds[i - 20] = CRGB(green, blue, red);*
- }*
- if (i > 100) {*
- leds[i - 100] = CRGB(blue, red, green);*
- }*
- if (i > 200) {*
- leds[i - 200] = CRGB(red, blue, green);*
- }*
- if (i > 250) {*
- leds[i - 250] = CRGB(green, red, blue);*
- }*
- FastLED.setBrightness(brightness);*
- FastLED.show();*
- }*
I hope that helps
Unfortunately you've removed so much that the code doesn't compile. But it doesn't seem to do anything with the values from the IR anyway. Also you haven't said what errors or differences you are seeing between the first version and the combined version.
My guess is that there's some incompatibility between the different libraries, maybe because FastLED has it's own math library. But it's only a guess, I've never used that particular combination.
I'm sorry i'll just put all of my code at the end of this post.
The differences bw the versions is that in the first version, each button gave a specific integer output whereas in the second one, the output for a given button is not consistent and multiple buttons give the same values.
Heres the code(simiplied a few piecewise functions to just return an integer for simplicity although the functions did use math functions like sin, tan and pow.)
#include <FastLED.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <IRremote.h>
#define LED_PIN 12
#define NUM_LEDS 300
const int IR_INPUT = 7;
IRrecv irrecv(IR_INPUT);
decode_results irValue;
const int sampleWindow = 50; // Sample window width in mS (50 mS = 20Hz)
unsigned int sample;
int ledPin = 12;
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
int brightness = 5;
int randNum(int minimum, int maximum) {
int x = rand() % minimum + maximum;
return x;
int redColour(double n) {
return 244;
int greenColour(double n) {
return 200;
int blueColour(double n) {
return 125;
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, LED_PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
void loop()
if (irrecv.decode(&irValue)){
unsigned long startMillis= millis(); // Start of sample window
unsigned int peakToPeak = 0; // peak-to-peak level
unsigned int signalMax = 0;
unsigned int signalMin = 1024;
// collect data for 50 mS
while (millis() - startMillis < sampleWindow)
sample = analogRead(0);
if (sample < 1024) // toss out spurious readings
if (sample > signalMax)
signalMax = sample; // save just the max levels
else if (sample < signalMin)
signalMin = sample; // save just the min levels
peakToPeak = signalMax - signalMin; // max - min = peak-peak amplitude
double volts = (peakToPeak * 5.0) / 1024; // convert to volts
red = redColour(volts);
green = greenColour(volts);
blue = blueColour(volts);
if (red > 255) {
red = red % 101;
if (green > 255) {
green = int(green * 2/3);
if (blue > 255) {
blue = 255;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
leds = CRGB(red, green, blue);
- if (i > 20) {*
- leds[i - 20] = CRGB(green, blue, red);*
- }*
- if (i > 100) {*
- leds[i - 100] = CRGB(blue, red, green);*
- }*
- if (i > 200) {*
- leds[i - 200] = CRGB(red, blue, green);*
- }*
- if (i > 250) {*
- leds[i - 250] = CRGB(green, red, blue);*
- }*
- FastLED.setBrightness(brightness);*
- FastLED.show();*
- }*
Looks like a known incompatibility between IRRemote and FastLED with WS2811/12 type LEDs. See Possible Conflict with IRRemote · Issue #198 · FastLED/FastLED · GitHub
I couldn't see any fix for it but it might be worth asking on the Google + FastLED comunity
Could you please please read https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=149021.0?
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Hey steve thanks a lot for that!
Do you know if the apa102 can be programmed in exactly the same way? Like could I use the same code?