Ir transmitter and receiver

Hi all just a quick few questions, I need to make my ultrasonic sensor wireless so i was thinking of using an ir transmitter and receiver,what i would like to know is can i connect an ir receiver directly to the ultrasonic data pin and send a high pulse from my arduino uno? will it start sending its sound waves then?
Another thing what is there averaged distance because i only want it to be around 2m

Many Thanks.

Hi, can you tell us what ultrasonic sensor you are using.

Most are a two way system, you tell it to ping and then measure the return time, so an IR Tx at the sensor and a RX at the controller will not be enought.

Tom.... :slight_smile:

Hi Tom i have HC-SR04 sensors with 4 pins but i bridge the 2 data pins so it is only one, I only need it to send out a ping i dont need it to receive as i have removed its receiver transducer anyway.