So.. i have been breaking my head for days around this problem.
I have an Arduino Leonardo with a sketch that sends IR signals via IRlib. I captured the signals with the help of the examples provided in the IRlib/IRremote libraries. All is working just fine!
I am now trying to move this sketch to the arduino NANO, because i'd like to miniaturize the setup.
When i run the exact same sketch, the IR-signal sent from NANO is not understood by the device i'm sending it to (not responding). When i read the signal (with an other arduino + IR receiver) i can see that the signal indeed does not correspond with what i'm telling the device to send.
The sketch is as follows:
#include <IRLib.h>
IRsend My_Sender;
int protocol = 2;
long code = 21546; //HEX = 542A - Sony VPLHW55ES OFF/ON command
int bits = 15;
void setup() {
void loop() {
My_Sender.send(IRTYPES(2), code, bits);
Is there someone who has managed to get IRlib working on an Arduino Nano?
I read that this problem could be related to the different timers used by the Leonardo and Nano?