Is Arduino maybe struggling with cloud agent and win11 ?

It seems like the cloud agent seems to be really struggling with assigning resources on win11.

Get a lot of hit or miss on trying to connect any IOT microcontrollers on a win11 laptop. Constant, "restart the create agent" which of course, can't be restarted, only quit and then started. Then, every once in awhile it will recognize the board. Both on mkr1010's and IOT 33's.

Seems to be a little disconnect and something missing from a software quality standpoint/exception testing place. super frustrating.

Ensure that it is installed with admin right and check I have installed the Create Agent, but the board is not recognized...

board is recognized, but quits during upload with debug showing serial port failing

If you are running the lastest create agent version with admin right and the issue persist, then the issue might be OS related.

It may have not been running with admin rights. I'll check again. I ultimately moved everything to my mac and EVERYTHING works better and faster, even just opening the IDE.

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