Is it just me?

Is it just me or are there an increasing number of people posting requests for help without giving any details.

A typical post might read, "I have just got a XYZ and when I try and connect it to an arduino it doesn't work can you help?"

Now there have always been one or two of these but lately there have been lots. Could this be due the a vast increase in the numbers of beginners or am I just getting even more cynical in my old age?

I think you are correct about the assumption that it's because of an increase in beginners. But, I think they're not to blame.

Once again I would request the Arduino team to create a sticky post in all subforums that state how to best use the forum for both their and our (the Arduino community, that is) benefit.
Key aspects of such a text should be something along the lines of:

  • Search for answers on google and forum

  • If answer was uncomplete or unsatisfactory post in the correct subforum

  • How to determin which subforum to use

  • Explain what you try to do

  • Clearly state the problem

  • List what has been tried

  • Give instructions for how to replicate the situation

  • A polite text and overall humbleness is never a bad idea

I've surely forgot something

Could this be due the a vast increase in the numbers of beginners or am I just getting even more cynical in my old age?

A little bit from column A and a little bit from column B. :wink:

Something I've noticed about the forum... The "character" changes with the time of year. There seem to be people who come and go with the time of year. Very likely school, work, family, and weather related. So, this rash of vague questions could simply be the current crop of Freshmen getting their first real lab assignments. ::slight_smile:

A typical post might read, "I have just got a XYZ and when I try and connect it to an arduino it doesn't work can you help?"

Ugh. Don't remind me. I've started having nightmares where I can't stop typing, "Post your Sketch! Post your Sketch! Post your entire Sketch!" Some days I feel like a crotchety old school teacher frantically pacing around the room screeching, "More detail! More detail! More detail!"

Well, enough of that bellyaching.

I agree with AlphaBeta. There are two other things that would help...

A proper FAQ. The two available on this site are: basically a sales brochure; woefully incomplete.

An AVRDUDE that outputs helpful messages. The most common error (protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51) is worthless. It may as well output, "your plurascarpy is helioworting."

It helps a lot, if there would be a "How to post questions" topic, with a checklist of things to include before even posting.

Things like:

  • Write in full English sentences without cute abbreviations. Why should someone else spend time to read your stuff when it's not even worth the time to you to spell out "you" and "please" instead of typing "u" and "plz". Same with the proper use of upper and lower case letters. It's a matter of minimal respect for the people you ask to help you to make your text easy to read and understand.
  • List the Hardware you're using with links to all data sheets if it's not just an Arduino
  • Provide your wiring diagram if hardware is involved.
  • Provide your source code that doesn't work if software is involved. Use the # button above to add your code. If your code doesn't appear in a darker box, edit your post until it does. (Hint: Mark all your code and then click on the # button under the subject line)
  • Read the answers and try the things suggested before posting again. If you're going to ignore the help, why did you ask in the first place.
  • Provide a description what works and what has been tried

People won't read that either, but if the first answer to any request is to fill out the form above, people slowly start to get the hint.

I've seen it work on other forums. Specially important is the requirement for full English sentences without cute abbreviations. This one weeds out the worst offenders.


It may as well output, "your plurascarpy is helioworting."

lol! ;D

if there would be a "How to post questions" topic

I think the biggest challenge is that people don't look for solutions before they post. most of the questions are repetitive and i'm not sure on the number of people that would read "How to post questions" and the post? :wink:

Perhaps the arduino team should include a brief getting started faq in print along with the arduinos... will be much more useful than the stickers or the terms of warranty that comes in a long sheet now. This is what i'm planning to do for our next set of boards.

Having said all this, i should agree that i have made such posts in the past as well :-[


a lot depends on how you write and come across. The bad ones are:

hi, im a student. how 2 make xyz123d wrk. pls provide drv. NE3D 4 PROJ TOMORW!!!1!!


I agree with Korman - simple courtesy of using proper English (I know we have to accomodate non-native speakers and people with dailysex) and not txt.

Once again this has come up.

Yes we need an FAQ.

There also do seem to be more new people. I think this is probably, as Coding Badly says, to do with the time of the year. Start of the school year we seem to get a load of people asking questions like this (so about now) and then nearer the end of the year we get a lot less of it and more of the decent hobbyist asking questions (who normally use the search bar and have a bit more of an idea).


hi, im a student. how 2 make xyz123d wrk. pls provide drv. NE3D 4 PROJ TOMORW!!!1!!

Yes, start of the school year now so I'd say it's not normally so urgent now but often I would say that it is a school/college/university project.


Maybe we need an instruction sheet to use google.....

Please, please PLEASE! If an FAQ or sticky is created please also add "Use a descriptive subject that summarizes your question."

I've been a moderator on a forum for almost 9 years and it's a huge pet peeve of mine. I hate seeing a forum filled with:

  • Need help!
  • How do I make this work?
  • OMG!!!!! Check this out!!! BEST THING EV-ARRRRR!!!!1111ELEVEN

Need help what? Cooking dinner? How do you make WHAT work? And just cause you think something is cool doesn't mean I'm interested. You could save me a click and a couple minutes if you just put "Finally got that broccoli out of my teeth" in the subject.

I actually made it policy that Mods could edit post titles so long as they leave the original title and add a description in parenthesis after it.

Oh, and also I blame texting, instant messaging and "da internetz" in general for lack of proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.


Maybe we need an instruction sheet to use google.....

I'm sure there is one out there. Google it. :slight_smile:


Need help!

Whats wrong with that? It is very precise... The guy wants help... :stuck_out_tongue: ;D ;D

Been a mod. on a forum too for some years, and kept telling people to write right topics, and everyone hated me for it. ;D But the forum didn't have any "HELP!" or "Help me" topics, because either people corrected it after I gave them an idea to what it could be instead, or I did it myself if they didn't or didn't know how.

Ended up getting told by other mods that I should stop complaining about the topics, and so I did... 3 days, and there was at least 2 "help!" topics in each category...

So much for having a huge database with the knowledge of 1000 (or more) men.


There are a few women around too :wink:

1 Like

There are a few women around too

And even if they were there, they'll probably call themselves Chuck McWood with a profile picture of Homer Simpson just not to be hit on.


There are a few women around too

I wonder that they Women to XXXX.



korman thanks for the tip

ill send her a PM ;D

There are a few women around too

Yes, but the "men" were more referring to a creature with about the same shape as you without considering gender. ;D

Been a mod. on a forum... So much for having a huge database with the knowledge of 1000 (or more) men.

Oh, you modded the "Man Forum"? I love that site!


There are a few women around too

i think there is only one around....

Sadly, I do not think a Sticky Note or FAQ will cause a noticeable decrease. It seems that in most cases the extra step of reading a paragraph or two would have eliminated the need to post the question in the first place.

Part of the sticky should be a link imploring people to read ESR's "How to Ask Questions the Smart Way":

Heck - maybe that should just -be- the sticky...
