Is it possible to connect atmega 328 stand alone directly to a serial port with out any type of serial to usb chip with using a serial cable? If this is possible please explain how.
Serial port? As in an RS-232 serial port?
If "yes" then the answer is "no". The RS-232 voltage levels will damage the processor.
As already stated, you can't connect it directly, but if you're looking for a few options of how to do it with some intermediaries that will save your ATmega this page has a decent explanation and a few handy links. Also the MAX232 chip referenced in that article for $1-3 I see routinely for far cheaper (link to an example).
Cheers ! Geoff
Correct answer is Yes, with the correct chip between the 328 and the serial port. Many have done it and many are still doing it.
Search for Arduino Breadboard Serial. Here is a link to a YouTube video that would explain it to you -
I have an Arduino-on-a-breadboard that works just fine this way.
One word of warning - When I use it with an on board serial port it will work at high speeds, when connected to my home computer with a USB to 9-pin Serial cable it won't work faster than 9600.
Correct answer is Yes, with the correct chip between the 328 and the serial port. Many have done it and many are still doing it.
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