Is it possible to add a I2C LCD to display status and inputs??

Hello all

I am new to the forum:) and that new to arduino though, i can find 99% of answers on google, however not this time i need some help.

Im building a RC transmitter for a FPV quadcopter, yes i could buy one but i could also make one :slight_smile:

The project is not mine, this kind chap has made an excellent website ....Arduino Radio Control

Instead of vero/strip board im using this It has more than enough pins for what i need.

Basicly the code is very complicated for my basic programming skills, it contains librarys and i really am not sure what to do. Obv i have googled librarys/ and im befuddled. I am trying to add a I2C 16x2 LCD to display the battery voltage, and the signal strength (from the video receiver 0 - 1.1v as a percentage) once i can do one i can prob alter it myself for the rest.

I cannot just "post the code" to look at, i have dug out the .ino though

Any pointers/keywords for google or sample code i can start on would be great :slight_smile:

arduinorc_v1.5.5_20140608T223931.tgz (42.2 KB)

Is there some sort of hardware that this is designed to run on? Like for example the multiWii Arduino code runs on multiWii Arduino controller hardware that you can buy online. Is there something you can buy that this code runs on?

-jim lee

Yes im running it on a Arduino Nano v3 Uploads straight away :slight_smile:

I am trying to add a I2C 16x2 LCD

Can you post a link to the datasheet for the LCD device you are using?

If you don't already know how to display data on the LCD I suggest you write a short sketch to help you learn that first.


I add an LCD character display to almost all of my projects, at least during the design phase, to display the status of inputs and variables. And I always use one with an I2C backpack since it saves pins and is slightly easier to code for.

The tricky part is that there are several brands of I2C backpacks for LCD displays, and they used different pin assignments. There are also multiple branches of the LiquidCrystal_I2C library and some work better than others. I suggest the library created by Francisco Malpartida, you can find it here: That page also contains some usage instructions, which in summary: #include wire.h and LiquidCrystal_I2C.h, create an instance (usually called "lcd") and pass the I2C address to the constructor. In setup() you initialize it with the .begin(x,y) function and pass it the size, columns and rows, then you can turn the cursor on and off, backlight on and off, and position the cursor with .setCursor(x,y).
in loop() you can display your sensor status with the .print function. Example:

lcd.print("Batt Voltage:");
lcd.print(battVolts); //name of your variable