Is it possible to add an ftdi cable to a Mega?

Hi All,

I'm working on a project which requires the arduino mega to be controlled by 2 different serial sources, both PC based. The onboard usb to serial connection will be controlled by a dll plugin for 3rd party software. I would also like to send and receive serial data to the unit for controlling extra parts that we are adding that fall outside of the remit of the plugin and 3rd party software.

Would it be possible to use an ftdi serial to usb board or cable to provide this functionality?

ftdi serial to usb board

Yes but watch out you have a TTL output from the USB to serial interface. If you have the more usual RS232 output you will need an RS232 to TTL converter like the max202 in front of the Arduino.

Thanks Mike, I know FTDI have a specific TTL to USB cable that I can use. IIRC I already have one and use it for controlling my telescope mount from my PC :slight_smile:

Yup :slight_smile:

Another question, could I do the same with a diecimela too?