Is it possible to buy handheld RF transmitters and have Arduino react to them?

I want to remote control some ports.
I want to have handheld remote controls, so building my own transmitters might be too much if they have to look good too.

So, is it possible to buy transmitters (433MHz, 315MHz, Bluetooth, 3.4GHz, whatever) and have Arduino's listen to their output?

Optimally, I'd have control over 6 ports, each UP, DOWN, STOP. But I could settle for no STOP and just having UP and DOWN for 2-4 ports.

I also need to have several remotes. Each employee should have one.

I can build the receivers but I cannot figure out if it is even possible to pair an Arduino to a commercially available remote or if I need specifically coded receivers for this.

if they have to look good too.

that self imposed limitation will be your biggest obstacle. manufacturers of radios don't have Arduinos in mind. the FCC gets crabby about radios being used for other than the licensed purpose. the FCC is funded by the fines they collect. this is a formula for a perfect storm. your best bet is Part 15 radios. if they have to look good figure out how to build them in an old cellphone or wireless telephone case.

bottom line: you put "this" in at this end, and "this" comes out that end. if you can program the Arduino to translate "this" into a command, you can remote control things

I have a project for later: control my PA system via 222 mhz amateur radio, through a Nano, using the keypad on the radio to send commands. this requires an amateur radio license.

So, is it possible to buy transmitters (433MHz, 315MHz, Bluetooth, 3.4GHz, whatever) and have Arduino's listen to their output?

In most cases: yes, if you buy the corresponding receiver too. 3.4GHz is no common (freely usable) frequency here in Europe and as far as I know in the US too. So check if the frequency is legal in your country before buying.

I can build the receivers but I cannot figure out if it is even possible to pair an Arduino to a commercially available remote or if I need specifically coded receivers for this.

As I wrote: in most cases this is possible but you need corresponding reception hardware.

Consider using this remote RF keyfob and matching receiver.

Consider using this remote RF keyfob and matching receiver.

This could be useful but isn't in my case.
It says that sub-addressing is not possible so if you have several receivers all of them will switch on.
Also, 25ft of range in line of sight is a bit on the useless side :frowning:

If you know of any other systems like this it'd be great

Also, 25ft of range in line of sight is a bit on the useless side

You forgot to state your range requirements.

What else did you forget to mention?

I built Arduinos with nRF24L01+ transceivers into these cases - I reckon they look pretty good.


See Animatronic puppet, small remote access - #3 by Robin2 - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum for more info


Nice job.
How's the battery life on them? For my use I wouldn't like to have a power switch and I know the Arduinos have a stand-by current

How's the battery life on them? For my use I wouldn't like to have a power switch and I know the Arduinos have a stand-by current

Use a minimalistic Arduino (Pro Mini or even one without any LEDs) for such things and put it to sleep until a button is hit. Then you have a power consumption of less than a µA, if not used, that thing can run for years on battery.

Now that we're talking minimalistic Arduinos and 2.4 GHz comms wouldn't an ESP8266 be somewhat the same?

Nice job.
How's the battery life on them? For my use I wouldn't like to have a power switch and I know the Arduinos have a stand-by current

Many hours, but I don't know exactly as they are used intermittently - a wild guess is 20 or 30. Because of the project requirement they are transmitting about 5 times per second all the time they are powered up.

I believe it is common for remote controls to use the buttons to switch on the power so that they don't consume anything when not in use. I'm sure that could be engineered into your project.

Or maybe a simple push-button ON switch and it automatically goes off after X seconds.

Have a look at Nick Gammon's power saving tutorial


Hi BlueSails.
I think it depends on your application. But if you're trying to send wireless data over a range of a few meters to a few kilometers, then I'd like to recommend the Freakduino. The standard Freakduino 900 MHz can send data wirelessly up to about 200m. The Freakduino 900 MHz Long Range can send data wirelessly over the span of kilometers. The actual range depends on the antenna and topology, ie: if you have to go through walls or dense trees, then the range won't be as good as over ocean.
There are other wireless platforms available, but I created the Freakduino series for the work I do with UNESCO and World Bank which often requires outdoor environmental monitoring and low power operation. They are specifically optimized to work with batteries and in low power mode consume less than 0.3 mA.