Is it possible to connect sku20-008 with esp32-cam

Hello, I am fairly new to Arduino and microcontrollers as a whole. I am trying to create a video feed and sound detection system with esp32-cam and sound detector sensor (sku20-008). However, I am finding it difficult to find documentation if the sku20-008 is compatible with the esp-32 camera?

Edit (added links to the hardware)

Sound detector sensor (sku20-008):


It might help if you post a link to the sku20-008.

Ooh that's right, thank you I have added it to the post.

The product data says;

Signal output indication.
The output is digital.
Single-channel signal output.
Output low level and the signal light when there is sound.
Sensitivity adjustable digital potentiometer to adjust (blue)
Working voltage 3.3-5V

So there is a fair chance it will work on the ESP32CAM, assuming you have a spare pin to connect it to.

'sku20-008' appears to be the part number the supplier uses for the board

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I believe it just requires a single digital input so should be no problem working with the esp32cam although available pins to use are very limited as the camera uses a lot of them.

GPIO13 is probably the best one to use, I have a sketch HERE which may be of help as it displays the status of the gpio pin and may be a good starting point for you?

Note: If you are planning to use the sd card, GPIO13 then this is a problem as it is used for sd card access but there is the option to use it in "1 bit mode" which will not use GPIO13 (or flash the onboard led) when accessing the sd card although access will be slower.

The available GPIO pins are:
13 free (used by sd card but free if using 1 bit mode)
12 free (must be low at boot, used by sd card but free if using 1 bit mode)
14 used by sd card (useable is SPI clock?)
2 used by sd card (useable as SPI MISO?)
15 used by sd card (might be usable as SPI CS?)
1 serial - output only?
3 serial - input only?
4 has the illumination/flash led on it - led could be removed and use as output?
33 onboard led - possibly remove led and use as gpio?

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Thank you so much for the help, pardon me from asking more but from what I have read and watched from other sources. They used an FTDI converter with the esp32-cam, I believe that is what is going to take up most of my pins?

The FTDI is connected to GPIO1 and GPIO3, there are other pins available, especially if the SD card is used in 1bit mode as mentioned by @alanesq.