Is it possible to filter with a 3-axis acceleration sensor?

Please understand that I am not familiar with acceleration and sensor use.
I'm going to use a three-axis acceleration sensor (KX134) that supports up to 64g because I have to test in an environment with high gravity (46g).
As far as I know, accel value are noisy, so filtering such as complementary filters is required while using them with gyro sensors.
But how can I eliminate noise if I don't have a gyro sensor and only have an acceleration sensor?

Is there an example related to this?

Thank you.

Do some research and studying. Things get a lot easier by that.
Eliminating accelerometer noise is preferably done by mathematical methods, not by another noisy component.


Averaging or low pass filtering of several measurements are the time honored traditions, and they work well.

Keep in mind that the three accelerometer axes are to a very good approximation independent of each other.


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