Is it possible to get I2C video out and convert to composite video

I am trying to use my backup camera display to act as a 4-6 gauge display in my car, Im trying to currently figure out if i should make the code for a composite layout and figure that out or if I should make the video out of the arduino in I2C format and convert it to analog format.

Thank you guys so much for the help in the past and information all around!

Which Arduino?

I was thinking of using the uno since i already have one, however if necessary i can get a different one

Ain't gonna happen. I2C is digital, not analog. Uno doesn't have the speed or memory to process video in realtime.

The Raspberry 3B and 3B+ have analog video output

Is there a digital to analog converter or other hardware that can translate the image file sent through I2C to analog? Im just trying to see what is possible and with what hardware is required to make it happen

The bandwidth isn't there.

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Besides the RPi, the Portenta has USB display port out.
I think the RPi would be simpler, cheaper

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You can use an UNO but the graphics are crude

The reason i ask is as im unfamiliar with rpi, my understanding of its setup and bootup after programming is the rpi is clumsy to start up and shut down as used in an automotive application wheras the arduino is set it and forget it. As i was planning the composite video from the arduino is a bit clumsy however i think its enough to do what i need it to.

I2C is slow, not intended for data transmission over wires of any significant length, and limited to very small amounts of data in a packet. You will not be able to make a video stream from I2C data, but with a significant amount of effort, you could transmit and reconstruct single image frames.

Over very short distances (a few cm) and slowly.

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The goal is just to display 4-6 gauge values and labeled such as:

Oil temp. Oil Pres
195*F. 56PSI

95*F. 2psi

That being said its a small screen that i confirmed takes RCA style analog video as an input

It would be much easier to use a TFT or other digital display. Arduinos are pretty much useless for video.

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Unfortunately i am constraining myself to using the backup camera display in my onstar mirror so the mirror essentially acts as a gauge display.

However i am also thinking about just gutting the screen in the mirror and putting a tft display in its place.

Juat trying to consider my options to determine the best course of action seeing that any of it is possible

The chance that you will be able to get an Arduino to produce the required video output is close to zero.

But if you want to try, you first need to know the format of the video signal. It could be standard NTSC or PAL, or proprietary. Ask the manufacturer of the camera.

Use the Rpi, it has NTSC output

Google "Maxim MAX7456", but they're SPI, not I2C, IIRC.

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Well i attempted a dvd player rca as seen in the picture above the big bang theory on the mirror so its not proprietary however i dont really know a ton on composite video. Being that the arduino fits all the requirements i have with this one exception is why i am attempting the path im on otherwise id just run rpi as a dash head unit and make the mirror just a second screen(if thats even possible) which would probably make my life much easier