Hi, I just started with arduino and I have to do a car. I didn't know how to move the wheels with a motor and then I saw that it had to put a motor in each wheel, is it possible to move two wheels without two motors?
Hi, I just started with arduino and I have to do a car. I didn't know how to move the wheels with a motor and then I saw that it had to put a motor in each wheel, is it possible to move two wheels without two motors?
It's possible, but hard to describe
You can drive the car with only one wheel.
Buy a RC (radio control) car. Most of them have one motor running two wheels.
Two wheels with one motor is easy if they are on the same axle. How are yours arranged?
The problem is that I don't have any idea how to do it, I don't know how to put a motor in a axle for move the two wheels, isn't there diagrams about it?
Go get yourself an Erector set and control the motor(s) driving the axle(s) with relay(s)
Or a car set from sparkfun.com or adafruit.com or pololu.com or ...
Is it possible to move two wheels with only a motor?
90% or more of the world's automobiles power 2 wheels with one motor.
The others power 4 wheels with one motor
Just need a "differential" between the 2 wheels so the outer wheel can spin at a different speed (faster) then the inner wheel (slower) during a turn.
What being described is some kind of project for a school assignment or some contest or something; do an ebay or amazon search for "smart car arduino" or similar, and you'll find parts galore from China, mainly.
Basically - it's a differential drive robot - generally for line following, and I've seen parts that seem to indicate "putting out a fire" (candle) type contest (parts like water pumps and fans). Then there's various navigational stuff (using ultrasonics and sharp IR sensors).
In short - the OP has only one motor (unknown whether it is a gear motor or such) - and wants to be able to control the speed and direction of a differential drive car.
Could it be done? Sure - after all, the Tomy Armatron only had a single motor, and 5 degrees-of-freedom plus the gripper. But it had one helluva complicated gear transmission inside (back in the day when Tomy was the king of electro-mechanical toys - even some of their "tabletop arcade" toys were mechanical - then there's Atomic Pinball). A more recent example is the Furby - it used a single motor for all of it's mechanical functions, spinning forward and reverse to "select" which function to perform (blinking, talking, dancing, etc).
So - one possibility would be to have the motor spin one direction for propulsion, and then spin the opposite direction to "change gears" - switch between the functions of forward, reverse, spin left, spin right - one motor, and all the basics for a differential drive robot.
But that's complex - certainly not something anyone can easily do. What would be easier is the old classic two function RC car: Goes forward, turns in reverse. Basically have the wheels mounted on an axle, with the motor turning them. One wheel on the axle though is clutched, so that it only turns when the axle turns one direction, otherwise it freewheels. Spin the motor the other direction, the robot will now "turn in reverse". It might even be possible to make it much more complex - and give it some kind of means so that when the motor is turning in one direction, both wheels are engaged, but when the motor turns in the opposite direction, the wheels spin in opposite directions. Kinda a two function "go forward" or "turn in place".
In short - possible, with a small bit of clever mechanical trickery.
A very simple solution would be to mount the motor with the drive shaft parallel to the car's axle. The two could be paired by just two gears: one attached to the motor and one to the axle. The two wheels would always spin at the same speed which would make turning rather difficult. Not sure how functional a car like that would be, but there you go!
If you need something with differential gearing, here is a great tutorial video which will at least give you an idea of how it works.
Perhaps the best solution is to buy a second motor?