Is it possible to print text from C into a HTML website?

I have a DHT22 and a DS3231 and I am wanting to print the output from both modules into a HTML local host website instead of the Serial Monitor. How would I do so?

We seem to be missing a whole lot of information.

What Arduino? Does it have wifi?

I am using the Elegoo mega 2560. I also have a Raspberry Pi 0 wh if that can be used. The Raspberry Pi has wifi.

Build a web server and put the data on the web page. Probably easiest to use an esp8266.

What have you got now? Any sketch to run the sensors, at least?

I have the code thats printing the date and time, temperature, and humidity. I want to print it to a local host website instead of the Arduino IDE.

Ok thank you, I'll buy one. Do you know a good tutorial that I can use?

I wrote up a project I built. It is more then you need, but can give you an idea of what to do. I used a DS18B20 as the temperature sensor. Replace that code with the equivalent code for the DHT22.

I record the RTC temperature just to get an idea of how accurate it is. You may want to skip that part. It is speced to be less accurate than a dedicated temperature sensor. I have found that it tracks very close.

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you can print to the (web)client very similar like to the Serial Monitor. I assume you find a lot of tutorials if you do some Reserach in the internet

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