G'day! To be honest I am a total beginner. I'd like to build a wireless game show buzzer system. I plan on using button input over nrf24l01 from sender units to the receiver and then to send the buzzer ids via bluetooth to a smartphone. Is It possible to connect a nrf24l01 and a bluetooth module to a nano, thus having just one Arduino as a reciever?
Thanks in advance
Is It possible to connect a nrf24l01 and a bluetooth module to a nano, thus having just one Arduino as a reciever?
I did something like this just to try it.
Any hints how to wire the thing, or where to start with the code?
Any hints how to wire the thing, or where to start with the code?
There's a good tutorial written by one of the regulars about the Nrf24. You'll have to Google for it.
Martyn Currey has a good tutorial on the HC-05.
This Simple nRF24L01+ Tutorial may help.
Wireless problems can be very difficult to debug so get the nRF24 part working on its own before you start adding any other features.
Also, get the Bluetooth part working on its own.