Is it possible to run an AsynchWebServer parralel to Fauxmo ESP Alexa?

Hi ladies and gentleman,

I have a project in which I want to do an Alexa controlled irrigation sytem. The alexa control part I have implemented successfully through the fauxmo esp library. Now I want to extend on it. I want to be able to change some variables through a web server that will run "parralel" to the fauxmo server. I know such a configuration is possible if I am using ESPAsyncTCP.h with AsyncWebServer objects. Does anyone know if it is possible to run an AsynchWebServer parralel to a Fauxmo server? Has anyone done anything similar to this before. If yes please share. I dont want to lose hours on sth. that may not even be possible to implement.

Thanks for the help in advance

I see no reason it will not work but I am not an expert. The best experience is to work on it and write the code.