is it possible to Serial.println(number,BIN) with leading 0's?

I want to print the incoming signal from a shift register as a binary number on the monitor,
I am using Serial.print ln(number,BIN) this is fine unless the input has a 0 as the MSB, it then only shows 7 bits.
This causes the monitor to keep shifting the bits left and right, and is distracting.
Is there any way to send the info so it will maintain 8 bits?

Maybe like:
[quote]Rob Tillaart

Looks good! A small trick to get a leading zero (e.g. in a time string)

[code]int h = 14;
int m = 6
Serial << ((h<10)?"0":"") << h << ":" << ((m<10)?"0":"") << m << endl;

Ref: Streaming | Arduiniana


no not really.
I have tried many ways to get that to work but without any luck.

  int sensorValue = 26;
  // print out the sensor value in binary:

Serial << ((sensorValue<10)?"0":"");

I can't see how that would work and it fails to compile.
What I want is some way of getting a binary readout i.e. 00110101 with 8 characters even if the MSB's are '0's. At present it just chops leading '0's off.

int number = 127;
void setup(){
void loop(){

Just gives me 1111111 instead of 01111111
If the input goes to 63 I get 111111 this makes the output on the monitor flash back and forth.

You probably could do it with an I/O stream formatter, but the easy approach if this is a one-off would be to use a for loop to iterate through the eight bits, bitRead() to read the current bit as 0 or 1, and just print each bit in turn. It's not elegant but it's only two lines of code at the end of the day.

thank you sir, that is exactly what I wanted, it took me 4 lines but I have included assigning the variable and putting a space for easy reading.

   int a;
   for (a=0;a<8;a=a++){ 
     Serial.print ( bitRead (myinput,(7-a)));
     Serial.print (" ");}

my thanks to you.


for (int a=7; a >=0; a--) { 
     Serial.print ( bitRead (myinput, a));
     Serial.print (" ");

I finally decided it looked better without the spaces, so with your 'assigning the variable locally within the calculation' AWOL it fits into two lines. Thanks.
I bet the repetitive program I am writing to make a pattern of led lights for every instance of input could be shortened considerably in the same way.



Don't ever do that - the results are undefined. a = a + 1 is fine, a++ is fine, but don't use an assignment to a variable at the same time you are post-incrementing it.

I must admit I hadn't noticed that.
When I looked and changed them the result was the same.
I also have a number of

     for (i=1;i<256;i=i*2)

I notice if I change it to

     for (i=1;i<256;i*2)

the variable i stays at 1. Is there a similar answer for this calculation?
It works ok as it is but now I am curious.?

It works ok as it is but now I am curious.?

It is the subject of long and involved discussions. Basically, the effect of the assignment depends whether the assignment to the left hand side happens before or after the post-increment has occurred, and the language spec doesn't define which order these things happen in.

Is there a similar answer for this calculation?

i *= 2;

I must admit I hadn't noticed that.
When I looked and changed them the result was the same.
I also have a number of

     for (i=1;i<256;i=i*2)

That's OK, you aren't changing 'i' inside the expression, unlike: i = i++;

ok thanks.

i = whatever is "changing i inside the expression". It is taking the right side and assigning it to i.

the expression is:




"A single expression should not cause the same object to be modified twice or to be modified and then inspected" C programming FAQs by Steve Summit.

so both

i = i++;
// and
a[i] = i++;

are both undefined, and undefined is the strongest language used in the C standard to describe stuff that you should never do.