I was already using 3.3V(RF module) and Vin pin for my project. when I connect 5V to relay module, relay module not turn on. only VCC and GND connected on the relay module, but still it's not turning on. any advise?
Sorry, but the Arduino is not meant as a power supply. Best to use an external supply.
External power supply exist, in fact. I just wonder why Relay module's status LED won't turn on. Object which need the controls of Relay module has its own power supply.
However, relay module itself is not working when I connect VCC and GND line on arduino.
might it because I already using 3.3V and Vin pin?
Faulty code, intermittent or incorrect connections, and inadequate power supply are among the possibilities.
Do you mean the status LED or the power LED?
status LED of Relay module, it should be turn on when power is up.
Most of the modules have two LEDs, one for power and one for status.
If you only have power supplied, the power LEDshould be ON but the status OFF.
It might be possible, but nobody can say for sure.
We only know that your RF module is an nRF24l01 from your previous thread.
But there you also didn't tell us which Arduino, which relay module, and the voltage on V-in.
Time to read the "how to post" sticky.
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