Is it possible to wake up from sleep via IRQ OR Timer in the same sketch

I have a HVAC vent controller sensor and I need it to be able to send data to a base station over NRF24 and also receive commands from the base station. The sensor will also run off of batteries, so I need to sleep it when necessary.

I have been able to get waking up from sleep to work separately with interrupt and also with a timer. However is it possible to have a sketch where I can wake up the arduino using the Interrupt OR the Timer in the same sketch.

I'm not partial to using a specific sleep library.

Or am I thinking about the problem wrong. Should I just have the base station periodically wake up the sensors with just the interrupt whenever I need a reading?

See Table 10-1 for which sources can wake up the different sleep modes.
Like you, am not familiar with the code needed for the different wake methods, have only used hardware interrupt myself.

I have a similar project. And was also thinking in that direction at first.The problem is that the NRF24 takes about 12mA when listening only. So I went for sleep with Narcoleptic.h (google) Draw back is that the master needs to burst retries to wake up the battery client. It should be possible to use ~15ms time slots to listen to the master (every 2 sec or so)