Is it wise/right to ground one input pins of a multiplexer/demux if we are not using them!

That depends on how you damage it :wink: If you put (as an extreme example) 230V on an input of the IC, it will go through your complete circuit including the NodeMcu. If you damage it in such a way that a select input tat is connected to the NodeMcu becomes a short, you can damage the NodeMcu.

As you must have gone through my case, is there any chances of short circuiting? :sweat_smile:

I don't know. If you are as clumsy as I am, there is a good chance :smiley: Although I must admit that I have only blown up one ProMini in the 5 years that I'm working with Arduinos.

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Then there seems no probelm in trusting you :slight_smile: By the way I will get the multiplexer by evening then I will update you regarding the same.

Thanks @chrisknightley @6v6gt @JohnRob @sterretje and @Paul_B for your help, The multiplexer is working fine with the Nodemcu. Thanks for quick help :slight_smile:

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