Is my arduino fried?

I keep getting the "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" error msg while uploading. The board is getting detected on COM3 port on the IDE. The green light and the "L" led turns on when I connect to USB. However I cannot see anything else blinking etc. Pressing the reset button does not change anything. Tried the usual reconnecting/ restarting arduino IDE etc. Nothing works

The problem started when I accidentally connected the 12 V +ve from the adapter and the 5V from the arduino , on the breadboard. I'm not an electrical engineer, but I suspect excessive voltage went INTO the arduino and fried the chip/bootloader? is the "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" a sure sign of it, or should I be trying something else before discarding this? (any better options that discarding, if it is indeed, fried?)

things to try:
if the chip is removable put it in a new arduino to test the chip. or put a new chip in the fried one
try using icsp to update the sketch
try using serial to update the sketch
re install all of the drivers
unplug everything from the arduino and upload
hope it works :slight_smile:

I'm not an electrical engineer, but I suspect excessive voltage went INTO the arduino and fried the chip/bootloader?

Voltage doesn't "go into" anything. Voltage is pressure.

Usually 12V on a 5V pin kills the ATmega8u2, disabling serial comms. That doesn't appear to be the case here. The absense of flashing suggests your 328 is fried.