Is my Arduino having a leakage?

I’m using L298n and the motors on this project and I found out that the L298N output voltage (test by Dmm) is different before I touch The uno’s USB port why?

When I touch uno

Plz tell me why and how to solve it


It's very hard to just look at an photo of wires in spaghetti and devices, could you please provide a circuit diagram or schematics to us?

Check that all GND points really are common.

If GND is good: The L298N have a built-in 5 V regulator, what if you would disable it and power the logic of the L298N from the Arduinos 5 V ?

Edit: Btw, I love your schematics, so old-school :ok_hand:

U mean to unplug the 5V jumper?

First make sure that all GND points are tied together good before trying the next step.

I don't know the inner of that L298N board, but what I found online is that there's a voltage regulator that powers the chip, and can power an Arduino as well. However, you can disable the voltage regulator, and power the L298N from your Arduino instead.

How is the Arduino powered right now btw?

Edit: Do the Arduino control the L298N when voltage differs?

Silly question but how are you using the IR tracker. Is it possible that the heat from your hand is affecting the voltage?

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