Is my ESP32-CAM Broken?

I am worried because I can't connect my ESP-32 CAM AI Thinker without experiencing many errors.

  1. A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header
    *I have checked my wiring muiltiple times and cannot seem to get it to flash
  • I have tried using the Arduino Uno as well to program the board, but it completely shuts off as well ( see point #2.2 for details)
  1. the power regulator on the esp-32 cam gets too hot
    *It not connected to anything but the FTDI Adapter, which is connected to the USB Cable, meaning it is getting power from the USB
    *I have tried switching the usb cables, but the short one I think shortcircuits the board (the brownout detecter isn't triggered, but it will litterally turn off)
    *I have measured the voltage from the FTDI Adapter, which is normal, and measured the power regulater, with pins 1 and 3 producing 5 volts but 1 and 2 produce zero volts. I'm not sure it that means the regulator is broken or if it is normal because I am using 5v and not 3.3v.
    Please let me know so I can buy a new one if it's broken asap.

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