I am currently taking an Arduino class and have the final project coming up. I was hoping to create a Bluetooth splitter. My idea was to use a Bluetooth receiver and two transmitters, connect my phone to the receiver and send audio data that would then be sent to the two transmitters that would be connected to two speakers. Is this a feasible project? Is there a large software boundary? I currently have an Arduino Uno and ArduinoIDE downloaded. Anyway, I'm not super sure what I am doing so any advice is really appreciated.
Firstly, you can not send from a receiver to a transmitter.
Alright that's definitely good to know. What if instead of a Bluetooth receiver I used an aux input?
Alright that's definitely good to know.
You can send from a transmitter to a receiver.
You need to read your original post, it does not make sense.
Why do you even need a "bluetooth splitter" when a Bluetooth device can connect to multiple other Bluetooth devices at the same time?