A few days ago, my water level sensor was working. I had it set up to display percentages and it worked fine (as well as one of the sensors can be expected to).
Today I'm trying to record some data, and the sensor seems to be bugging out. Out of water, it reports 0 analog value. But the instant I put it in, it goes up to maybe 50 analog value. By the time the water is 1/5 the way up the sensor, its reporting over 100 analog value. Here's the weird part, from then on, even if I submerge the sensor, the value never goes much above 120.
I can submit my code if needed but if it sounds like its just broken please let me know. Unfortunately this is for a school project but oh well there's not much I can do if the sensor breaks.
If you mean a simple program, yes, I used a very simple program to solely measure the analog return values and display them on both and LCD screen and in the serial window, and they are off.
I have similar sensor for detecting rainfall. After a day of testing with small amounts of water droplets the traces had become somewhat corroded. Mine still works because it's in my basement waiting for a leak to occur, but if it was regularly getting wet, I think it would long ago have failed.
You might be able to get yours working for a little longer by gently cleaning the traces, but if you need something long term, find a different sensor.
As per post#7 those kinds of water sensors are poo. If it was working a few days ago and now it is not, that's normal for those types of moisture sensors.
I've been using capacitive moisture sensors to water my wife's plants. The capacitive moisture sensors I am using are going on 3 years of service.