Is my Wiring OK? - WS2811 LED Strips

Hi all,

New to the forum and I'm not too sure if this question is allowed because it's not technically an Arduino project (im using an Artnet to SPI controller instead of Arduino), however im sure this could be done with Arduino so maybe it could be of help to others in future!

I am looking to install WS2811 LED Strips inside coving on walls for a down lighting effect. I have drawn up a wiring plan but i am not sure if it is correct / the best way to do it.

Is there any immediate issues with my wiring plan attached? Are there any suggestions / changes that would make it better?

My common ground connection to V- will be around 32 meters and im not sure if that will be an issue for the power supplies and/or signal for the LED's? (I understand ground / V- is used in the signalling of the LEDs?)

The setup is as follows;

  • WS2811 LED Strip, each Strip is 12v and 5 meters long
  • 2x 12v 60A power supplies
  • BC-204 controller (Artnet to SPI), which has 4 LED outputs. Each output will send a signal to 10 meters of LEDs (2 strips per output)
  • Fused Bus Bars from Power Supply 1 & 2 will be used to provide V+ to the LED strips and controller
  • Bus Bars will be used to provide V- to the Controller and the other power supply
  • The power supplies will be connected together at V- (Common Ground?)
  • All wires will be routed along the edge of the wall (Not ideal as my wire lengths are pretty long, however im using 4 core 1.5mm2 cable and the voltage drop on this should (according to some rough calculations i did online) be acceptable.

The distance between Power Supply 1 & 2, and the other measurements can be found on the other attachment if it is of use!

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I would have rather seen a schematic, but I did print your wiring diagram and trace the power. Your plan looks good to me.

Yes, all grounds should be connected together.

How long are the strips? They might need to be fed at more points than just one end. They should at least be fed from both ends. Joining 2 strips together and feeding each at the end with separate PSUs does not count as feeding them at both ends. You probably need to feed them every 1m or so at least. (there are other people on here who know this better than me and I was hoping one of them would reply).

I would have rather seen a schematic, but I did print your wiring diagram and trace the power. Your plan looks good to me.

Yes, all grounds should be connected together.

Thank you for checking! Apologies for not using a schematic, i've not really drawn anything like this up before!

Do you foresee any issue with the length of the common ground wire that connects the two power supplies? (About 32 meters)