is one of my NRF24L01 bad or one of my UNO

So i have 2 NRF24L01 transcievers: One i soldered capacitor to the ground and VCC of the chip(Lets call this "Capacitor NRF"). The other is plain (Lets call this "plain NRF")

Im also using two arduino UNOs. Lets call them ArduinoA and ArduinoB

I ran the SAME transmitter code through BOTH arduinos, from the same USB header, using the same cable.

The code i used for both:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>                     //UNO:  MOSI(pin11)MISO(pin12)SCK(pin13)(CE, CSN any pin)    
#include <printf.h>                       //MEGA: MOSI(pin51)MISO(pin50)SCK(pin52)(CE 9, CSN 53, or any pin)
#include <RF24_config.h>
int x = 2;
RF24 myRadio (7, 8);
byte addresses[][6] = {"0"};

struct package
  int x;
  //int id=1;
  //float temperature = 18.3;
  //char  text[100] = "Text to be transmitted";

typedef struct package Package;
Package data;

void setup()
  myRadio.setDataRate( RF24_250KBPS ) ; 
  myRadio.openWritingPipe( addresses[0]);
  Serial.println("Starting Loop");

void loop()
  Serial.println("Beginning Loop        ");
  data.x = x;
  myRadio.write(&data, sizeof(data));

Testing Arduino A:
-When i connect ArduinoA with the plain NRF and upload the code, the loop only runs once. It says "Starting Loop"and then "Beginning Loop" and thats it. I also would like to note that the chip get hot.
STRANGE PART: when i touch the MISO pin, the TX light on the arduino lights up and the loops runs WHILE im touching it, and then stop, and restarts when i touch it again.
When i take the NRF off, the code doesnt run (but why?)

-When i connect ArduinoA with the Capacitor NRF and upload the code, the loop runs like normal. Nothing happens when i touch the MISO Pin. When i take off the NRF the code still runs (which is good)

Testing Arduino B:
-When i connect ArduinoB with the plain NRF and upload the code, the loop only runs once like b4.
STRANGE PART: like before, when i touch the MISO pin, the TX light on the arduino lights up but this time, the loops runs for a brif second, and then when i touch it again it runs once more and stops.
ANOTHER WEIRD THING?: the code runs and the TX light comes on when i touch the ATMEGA chip (the pins near the power and ground pins) (what is happening?)
ANOTHER STRANGE PART: when i take off the NRF, the code ran for a while (5-10 seconds?)and stopped

-When i ArduinoB with the Capacitor NRF and upload the code, the loop doesnt work. STRANGE PART: HOWEVER, just like before, when i touch the MISO pin (or the ATMEGA chip pis that is near the power and ground pins), the code runs, HOWEVER unlike the other time, it runs AS LONG AS I TOUCH THE MISO PIN (or the right ATMEGA pins)

WHAT IS THIS??? is my arduinos messed up?, one of the transceivers? both?all?
please help me guys, i need to figure this out by the end of the month :confused:

Sounds like a wiring problem, but you forgot to post a wiring diagram.

Sounds like a wiring problem, but you forgot to post a wiring diagram.

i connected the transceivers directly to the arduinos, nothing else is attached to them.