Is the Atmega328 28 pin DIP Dead

They are gone, no one anywhere has any quantities more than 1 or 2.

DigiKey, Mouser, Newark so on and so forth......

Finished a project and was preparing to produce a kit but they are just poof.

Anyone no if this is an end of life for this chip?

Mouser shows 3,000+ coming on in 11/15.

Sparkfun shows 249 in stock.

I wouldn't call that dead.

Thanks for the response, since it was for kits there was no way I could pay 6 bux for a sparkfun retail version, so I was looking for over the counter raw chip supplier.

Mouser said they weren't sure if the quantity will be available and it may already be spoken for on the november delivery, thats what got me on this track.

I just want to keep it cheap for the end user.

So Sparkfun unprogrammed at $4.30 <10 qty and available now is too much vs Mouser unprogrammed @ $4.28 at same qty maybe in November, with 15,000 more at the end of the year?
Or are you looking for higher qtys where the price difference is a little higher, $3.87 & $3.44 vs down to $2.92 for 100?

There have been large shortages... they're not going to stop making them. They are expensive.

Atmel seems to have limited manufacturing capabilities as they constantly batch orders till they reach a meaningful quantity before switching their product line...

We've seen this many many times...

Atmel seems to have limited manufacturing capabilities as they constantly batch orders till they reach a meaningful quantity before switching their product line...

I thought I read in the past, due to the bad financial times the Atmel had sold or closed down all their own fabs and turned to 3rd party fabs for actual production. That would account for the need to batch production via back order size.