As I was thinking of getting into this chip, I said, well, its an ARM Cortex processor, and I will be able to almost do anything possible right?
As I dive into it more and more, I can see that many things are really exactly like any previous Atmel chip, and it has almost the same limitations as the others.
So what ARM Cortex 48Mhz 32bits even means where :
- the DAC is so slowly that you can barely output a sine wave larger then a few Khz
- the ADC has 12 bits, where in this resolution it becomes so slowly to 2us !! you cant sample any signal above few Khz
3.The high resolution timer(24 bits) really means almost nothing when you deal with 1Mhz timer, because 48Mhz clock is not that fast.
There are more and more, but as I came to realise , this chip means not really more then any old 16bits Atmel such as 328p.
I couldn't find too many reasons to say - this is a "real" processor, because when you dig into any of its specifications, you see it means nothing with a 48Mhz clock.