Is there a DFU C library for arduino nano ?

Hi guys,

I'm using the arduino nano atmega 328 for a project. This device is piloted with a stm32 mcu through UART. I would need to be able to update the arduino firmware i developped from the mcu.

So my question is, is there a C library that I can use to put the arduino in bootloader mode and update the firmware using uart ?
Actually i'm using platform io on vs code to update the arduino. I hope there is some library running behind that we could use ?

Thanks !

it is used here

Isn't this the code making the update from the arduino side ? I would need the code for my mcu side which switch the arduino into bootloader and then sends the fw to it.

it is the esp8266 flashing over Serial an Uno with uploaded hex.
'avrdude' for MCU

I will take a SWAG and say: Check out the OTA (Over The Air) for programming the chip. You will need to hold both programs in memory or at least the loader and the new code.

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