Is there a Serial1 on the Joy-it Pro Micro ?

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right category but I thinks it's an hardware question.

I've got a question about the Joy-it board pro micro (ATmega32U4), is there a second UART port (Serial1) with the pin TX0 and RX1 or are they only connected to the TX and RX of the USB interface ??

Here is the data sheet (but it seems that it doesn't speak about that) :

I ask this question because I want to know if there is another way to connect a DFPlayer mini without using SoftSerial.

Thanks in advance,


Ps: sorry for my English, nut this isn't my mother language :wink:

You can do your own quick test by adding a line referencing serial1 in your program. If there is no error, then you are able to use serial1.

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User manual:

You have to select Arduino Micro as the board so it behaves as a Micro and hence has Serial1.

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Ok, thanks for the reply.

It seems that there is no error so I deduct that I can use the Serial1.

Thanks :wink: (I didn't know that the answer to my question was so simple :sweat_smile: )

DFPlayerMini Stand-alone (I/O) mode allows for NEXT/PREV by short-pressing DFPlayerMini IO_1 or IO_2 to ground, or VOL+/VOL- by long-pressing IO_1 or IO_2 to ground.

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