Is there a shield for extra power + display?

I just got a DFrobot LCD shield for a quick tryout and discovered that I need to power my servo via external power, in that the screen and servo overload the 5V supplied by the USB connection. This isn't terribly surprising, but now I have to deal with it. I tend to prefer USB connections over the 2.1mm power plug, just because I have several phone chargers to use with it, and when I'm at the computer, I don't need a battery pack.

Now, I can do this on a breadboard having one side's vertical power rail having power from the Arduino, and the other side's power rail being the external power source with a wire connecting the two ground rails, but I'm wondering if there is a shield with the following capabilities. I assume there probably isn't, but hey, maybe somebody else made one already:

  • Display on an i2c external wire and not necessarily on the shield to reduce the number of pins used. There are several shields that do this. I probably don't need graphics or touchscreen
  • Speaking of display, I didn't understand the limitation of the DFrobot shield that I can't control the backlight on the screen from the computer. For battery use, I would like to be able to control the power consumption of the screen from the Arduino, and not just with a trim pot.
  • Each pin has a separate 3 position male header using a standard layout, buckled pins with a lock would be nice. Again, there are many shields that do this. I was surprised that on the DFrobot shield, the 3 male headers for the input pins have voltage, ground, and control in a different order than my servo or trim pot (in one ground is in the middle, and control on the outside, while in another control is in the middle and ground/voltage are on the outside)
  • For the 3 position male header, I would want a jumper or dip switch that controls whether I use the arduino's 5 volt circuit or a separate external circuit for powering the high voltage devices. If you are going to get really fancy, I imagine a 4 way jumper, that gives the device 5v, 3.3v, smaller resistor value for push buttons, or external power. From my reading, some of the motor shields have the option of separate power supplies, but it seems like it is only for certain pins. I would like the capability for every single pin to decide which power bus to use. Ideally, I would be able to plug devices straight into the Arduino, and not have to have a breadboard.
  • Ideally the shield should come assembled, as I'm still a soldering newbie.
  • Clearly labeled pins. I must admit, I didn't even think that when getting the LCD shield that a manufacturer would design a shield that didn't have the pins listed on the board itself. The input pins are listed, but the remaining output (13-11, 3-1) pins are not, and since the range is discontinuous, it means I have to consult my pdf file to see which pin is located where.