Is there a thread collecting jokes?

Just now my slightly ADHD-brain had the idea: is there a thread collecting jokes related to programming / microcontrollers?

duty joke:
(it doesn't matter if you find it funny or not)

What is the most beloved activity of each and every modern electronic device?
re-start / re-boot

What is the most frequent question of telephone-hotline supporters?
"did you restart your device?"

The "bug" has its hands on the keyboard and is staring at the screen.

best regards Stefan

If there is not one let's make one!

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Bar Sport?



That reminds that there are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't.


I'm going to tell you a joke about UDP.
You may not get it.
(And I don't care if you don't get it)


My favorite.

I get it. How nerdy does that make me?

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Once a man wanted to be a great writer. He said: I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, that people will react to on an emotional level, stuff that will make them howl in pain and anger!

He now works for Microsoft writing error messages [or any compiler you can name]


I guess I had to be there.

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I liked the help in Borland C++ 3.1. Man Pages for C and useless M$-model trash for C++ so I bought a Sam's Manual and the excellent Kaare Christians Borland C++ book.

Yes (and other things).

Isn’t that in Italian?
I searched around and found some English joke threads.
But all of them were pretty old and locked.

And frustration.
I bet he wrote Avrdude’s error messages too!

Which body part does a engineer know best?

Open me


Same as "chair-keyboard interface error"


nuck fo!

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